GMPC Philippine Embassy certification
GMPC一般来说是认证副本就可以来 也就是复印件
GMPC is generally a certified copy
一般都是厂家自己留底备案用的 !
It is manufacturer oneself keep a bottom to put on record commonly use!
GMPC is issued by a testing institution
使一国出具的公证书或有关文书能在另一国境内被有关当局所承认且具有法律效力,不致 因怀疑文书上的签名或印章是否属实而影响文书的法律效力。
The purpose of the embassy signature:
So that the notarial certificate or related instrument issued by one country can be recognized by the relevant authorities in another country and have legal effect, without the doubt of the authenticity of the signature or seal on the instrument affecting the legal effect of the instrument.